Social Emotional Learning

Our Social Emotional learning helps young children build awareness of themselves and their connections to others. Through interactions with one another and caring adults, they begin to see themselves as part of a larger group. Working collaboratively encourages children to make choices and accept responsibility for those choices. The children practice conflict resolution, develop empathy for one another, and learn to respect and celebrate their similarities and differences. They gradually broaden their lenses as they come to understand themselves within the context of their family, school, and greater community.

Our namesake, Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel, a role model of social action, is a constant inspiration for hesed (acts of kindness), tikkun olam (improving the world), and tzedakah (charitable acts). Our children prepare meals for a community fridge, write thank you notes to members of our school community and sort materials for composting and recycling. Through action, we hope to raise caring and responsible citizens of our world.


Hebrew Language and Israel

