BUILD your life in our ethical learning community
Heschel inspires students to become responsible, active, compassionate citizens and leaders. Our students build connections within and beyond the Jewish community to unite people through Hesed/חסד/lovingkindness and Tzedek/צדק/justice. Our Heschel community is defined by the warmth and care that our students, families, faculty, and staff show one another, and by a shared sense of responsibility to the greater communities in which we live.
“Every deed counts, every word is power…”
Core to the mission of the Heschel School, and core to Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel’s vision of the world, there is a commitment to hesed and tzedek, to learn about the challenges facing different communities and to work actively to better our world. At Heschel we teach our students the critical importance of, in the words of our mission, the “religious imperative to unite human beings through justice, shared humanity, and mutual respect.” We bring this to life through learning, action, and tzedakah.