
The study of science is at the heart of the human desire to understand the world around us. All children are natural scientists; they are keen observers of events occurring around them and seek to understand how these events come about and how they can predict similar events in the future. Capitalizing on the natural curiosity of students, the science program at The High School engages students more formally in understanding the natural world. In their science classes, students are taught to develop careful observation, to generate relevant questions, to analyze and interpret data, to discuss and defend ideas before peers, and to apply knowledge to novel situations. These skills are essential to all scientific study and are used by students in all four years of the science sequence. One of the goals of the science program at The High School is to promote scientific literacy. Our world has become completely dependent upon high technology and will only become more so in the future. It is important for students to develop an appreciation and understanding of the fundamental science that underlies this technology and the scientific process in general in order to make educated decisions in their own life as well as when policy issues emerge regarding funding of new research.




Limudei Qodesh