
Children develop a foundational understanding of math using concrete hands-on activities and visual materials. Our goal is for the children to see that math is an integral part of their everyday life. Mathematical concepts are applied in block building, baking, art, sports, and in our daily attendance. We use multi-sensory tools such as Cuisenaire Rods®, Geoboards, Ten Frames, Pattern Blocks, and counting manipulatives. They eagerly play, manipulate, question, analyze, and explore mathematical concepts and acquire skills.

We teach one-to-one correspondence, counting and comparing numbers, estimation, number relationships and combinations, sorting and classification, measurement, shapes, patterns, graphing, and number writing. We aim to develop the children’s fluency with numbers, confidence as problem solvers, and appreciation for math as a powerful tool in everyday life. Throughout the year, a wide variety of strategies and resources are used to meet our students’ range of abilities and needs.

In Kindergarten, we incorporate Singapore Math® which emphasizes the development of strong number sense, mental math skills, and problem solving. The scope and sequence draws on best practices from around the world. Each new unit begins with conversation, modeling, and group exercises that help students think about concepts in a flow from concrete to visual to abstract. Next, the children have guided practice time, where they reinforce their learning cooperatively or individually.


Language Arts

