Social Studies

Our Social studies program engages students across the curriculum, encouraging them to think deeply about their world and their heritage. In 1st Grade, students begin with the people and places closest to “home”. Over the course of their time in the Lower School students move outward to the communities around them and the larger world, ending in 5th Grade with the study of Colonial America. Throughout the years, students develop mapping skills and the ability to understand how the geographical features of a region determine how people live. Students analyze “wants” versus “needs”, push and pull factors, and contributors that affect culture groups. In 3rd Grade students begin to take on independent research projects. Topics in civics and civic responsibility are taught throughout each year and expanded in connection to federal and national holidays. Seeing issues from different perspectives across history and engaging in constructive dialogue is an important part of our social studies curriculum. Field trips, as well as guest speakers, are integral to the students’ learning. Interdisciplinary studies in science, technology, art, and Judaic Studies takes place across grade levels and throughout units when relevant.


Language Arts

